submitted for your approval(rod serling,night gallery)
For all your heavy data crunching fun.
Published on February 19, 2008 By I.R. Brainiac In Skinning



Comments (Page 7)
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on Feb 29, 2008
I wanted to do a tribute to a Ray Harryhausen film...but how could you choose...they are all so cool.  

Jason and the argonauts dude!!
My favourite movie as a kid. and still love it to this day.

on Mar 03, 2008
Current screeny.  WWW Link
on Mar 05, 2008
Silver substyle.  

on Mar 05, 2008
on Mar 07, 2008
Jason and the argonauts dude!!

Probably his best overall...but I'm still drawn over and over to 20,000,000 miles to Earth...the Ymir is just too cool as a 50's alien.(now recently colorized well)
on Mar 07, 2008
ooooo which skin are you going to update???

my ugliest desrves the best treatment...oh god it has been horrible for years,I am so ashamed...look forward to a skin finally made viewable.  

on Mar 07, 2008
  it will follow this will be my ugliest skin.
on Mar 07, 2008
February 20, 2008 10:06:56
Love that dude, have you plans for any variations carrying a bit of weight? love to see some of those springs under load and compressed

believe me when i sye...if compression was easily implemeted,it would be done.Its one of my photoshop probs that stopped me.  
on Mar 07, 2008
dammit...look to your blend modes...aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
on Mar 07, 2008
it will follow this will be my ugliest skin.

hmm.. this not true, of course..
on Mar 07, 2008
it will be the uglieast,the prettyyist,the best....

Rock On' Hillarry.I generally say NO toparty crap.I hope this is buy to o'bama.
on Mar 07, 2008
I was
about to dis allow my Texas heritage
bush embarrased all of us eveywhere,VOTE for Hillary.Hillary rocks.
on Mar 07, 2008
In case you dont gewt it...Hillary.  
on Mar 07, 2008
She Is better.  
on Mar 07, 2008
I was
about to dis allow my Texas heritage

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