submitted for your approval(rod serling,night gallery)
For all your heavy data crunching fun.
Published on February 19, 2008 By I.R. Brainiac In Skinning



Comments (Page 1)
8 Pages1 2 3  Last
on Feb 19, 2008

Hmmm, Whatcha up to?   


on Feb 19, 2008
on Feb 19, 2008
Glad to see you have decided to go more mainstream my good friend.     
on Feb 19, 2008
I.R. you have managed to come up with another very unique design.   
on Feb 19, 2008
Mike, I take it that image is of the Start Menu   If so, are the springs on the shocks going to expand with the number of programs that you add to the start menu.

Very creative   
on Feb 19, 2008
ZubaZ wants a vista version
on Feb 19, 2008
Hey there , I.R ! Do you want my $4.95 now ...? ?    Can't wait .... Is it done yet ?   
on Feb 20, 2008
Totally mad idea!
I have some ideas for dx.
Can't wait to see again your stuff
on Feb 20, 2008
totally cool.. cant wait for it
on Feb 20, 2008
Buwhahhahhahhaah.    Mainstream or Brainstream John?  

Sorry Leo,what you ask would be virtually impossible to accomplish without pixellation or bad tiling problems.The center chain works around this by not tiling or stretching...its a glyph.  

Ola friends.  
on Feb 20, 2008
Zubaz wants a vista version

I dont know if Vista could handle a setup like this...the allprogs area would be a mess.Plus Vista opens up that nasty block of solid color for that submenu.  
on Feb 20, 2008
ok..... so..... is it ready yet ????
on Feb 20, 2008
Same ole skin done by many others. Jeesh, whatever happened to originality?   
on Feb 20, 2008
Originality has been done to death Craig...I'm just towing the line brother.    

Shoved into a blind and powered up.  

on Feb 20, 2008
Awe man! That's cool stuff, I.R.... I like. Mucho bueno amigo!
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