submitted for your approval(rod serling,night gallery)
For all your heavy data crunching fun.
Published on February 19, 2008 By I.R. Brainiac In Skinning



Comments (Page 6)
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on Feb 28, 2008
OH..and I like the one on the left in post #68.

Thats the old one your eyes mister.  
on Feb 28, 2008
Why not go for a Gojira theme, or voltron for that matter. if theres one who can pull it off its you

I wanted to do a tribute to a Ray Harryhausen film...but how could you choose...they are all so cool.  
on Feb 28, 2008
Hey Brainiac,
You know what I do to earn a living? I work in a shock absorber manufacturing plant! Been working there for 11 years now. But we were all informed they will be shutting down and moving to Mexico in the near future, so bummer ... Oh, well.

.-= Reap =-.
on Feb 28, 2008
Bummer is right...I didnt think someone who knew what a shock REALLY looked like would be checking this out...hope they are not too lame.    
on Feb 28, 2008

I guess I need to start paying attention to the category.  I thought this was going to be about George Dubya.  Sorry, just stumbled into the geek section unaware.  btw, I think geeks rock, I just don't know crap about skinning.  I would think that is what you do when you catch a rabbit or something like that.  Now you can all have fun making fun of my ignorance.  I live to serve. 

on Feb 28, 2008
uh... skinners are geeks?

(**throws away photoshop)
on Feb 28, 2008
Now you can all have fun making fun of my ignorance. I live to serve.
Grantign permission takes all the joy out of it.  (      
on Feb 28, 2008
uh... skinners are geeks?

Oh well. . Throws away Paint.Net and MS Paint ...   
on Feb 28, 2008
Thats the old one your eyes mister

Must be the meds!
on Feb 29, 2008
Well , color me noobie !! Where is the graphics section ? ..Looked everywhere ... ( Not a section of Wicustomise that I have heard of, never mind,seen !!! )  
on Feb 29, 2008

Grantign permission takes all the joy out of it.

lol - was that a brilliant and original response or what?! 

(**throws away photoshop)

see I didn't even know that skinning used photoshop.  Now I have to go look it up on wikipedia. 

Sorry about the geek comment what I meant was the "technical" section. 

on Feb 29, 2008
Where is the graphics section ?

It probably dosnt show by need to edit the app list view.  
on Feb 29, 2008
I'm just checking in to see how everything is going...IR you are definitely the man!!! This wb will be   I can't wait for it to be finished!!!  

btw my credit card is sweating  
on Feb 29, 2008
btw my credit card is sweating

Thank you paypal account is starving...hopefully once this one is in place,I'll have time to update 1 free skin and maybe finally get Knot Vista updated for Vista before I have to make a new masterskin.  
on Feb 29, 2008
ooooo which skin are you going to update??? No don't say I love surprises. You are such a busy skinner!!! Rock On...  
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