submitted for your approval(rod serling,night gallery)
For all your heavy data crunching fun.
Published on February 19, 2008 By I.R. Brainiac In Skinning



Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 20, 2008
RomanDA sees a really cool chain moving up and down for drive usage (holding a box with the drive info)
on Feb 20, 2008
Well I can tell I'm going to have to watch this post just like I did with Slider.   
on Feb 20, 2008
RomanDA sees a really cool chain moving up and down for drive usage (holding a box with the drive info)

on Feb 20, 2008
Looks like where I work. Hope it does not have to be calibrated every six months.
on Feb 20, 2008
Is it just me or did i just telepathically hear brains wanting beta testers for the new theme

ps anyone else got issues with smileys disappearing under the add reply box (the grey bit where you write your post)only the top row of smileys is showing as they slide down,it's like it slides down behind something
on Feb 20, 2008
Wow,woke up feeling pukey today and feeling beat up from a bike ride to Wally guys really know how to make a skinner feel better.  

I reckon there will be the usual assortment of goodies to go with it...I got friends.  
on Feb 20, 2008
Now,back to bed for a bit and then we'll see...onto the taskbar.    
on Feb 20, 2008
You Rock Dude! Awesome stuff! I will be your first customer!!   
on Feb 21, 2008
can't get any better than this
on Feb 21, 2008
Just got myself Knot Vista and Slider yesterday and am loving them... this WIP has me drooling, anxiously awaiting its release. Totally awesome, IR!!!!!
on Feb 21, 2008
Thanks peoples...allright starkers!I get about 1/2 to 2/3 sales a day(after the initial rush) just raised the avg a bit.  

Taskbar seems done.

on Feb 21, 2008
Taskbar seems done.

Looks great I.R.   
on Feb 21, 2008
I want this.. Is it ready yet?
on Feb 21, 2008
.allright starkers!I get about 1/2 to 2/3 sales a day(after the initial rush) just raised the avg a bit

Pleased that I could help raise the stakes a little... and hey, I got value for money so I'm stoked with my purchases, especially Slider, which with recoloring lends itself perfectly to umpteen desktop themes...

.... and I'll echo those "I want this" sentiments voiced by everyone here... this next WB is a must have and I anxiously await its release.
on Feb 21, 2008
Does it have to be double height or are you just showing it that way?
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